Scientific Committee
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Novikova Anastasija, Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy
Field of research: Economic valuation of agroecosystem services, Social risk management in agriculture. The research is mostly focused on the analysis of consumer preferences about agroecosystem services, employing stated preferences methods. CRIS
Prof. Dr. Vilma Atkočiūnienė, Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy
Field of research: rural development management, rural regional development, sustainable development of rural social infrastructure, local marketing and local food systems. The research is mostly focused on the analysis of social partnership, short food supply chain organization employing LEADER method. CRIS
Prof. Dr. Marina Nikolova, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Bulgaria
Field of research: Organic and Sustainable Agriculture, Agribusiness, Rural Development, Rural and Agrarian Tourism, Agricultural Business, Sustainable Environmental Development, Agricultural Entrepreneurship. ResearchGate
Prof. Dr. Irina Pilvere, Rector of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Field of research: Bioeconomy development research; Common agricultural policy and its measures of support; Agricultural economics. ResearchGate
Prof. Dr. Baiba Rivza, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Field of research: Research-oriented economy, business support policy, regional development, higher education and science policy. ResearchGate
Prof. Dr. Vlada Vitunskienė, Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy
Field of research: Development of circular and sustainable bioeconomy, assessment of sustainable biomass potential, competitiveness and sustainability in agriculture, agricultural and rural development policy. CRIS
Prof. Dr. Bernardas Vaznonis, Vytautas Magnus university Agriculture Academy, Dean of the Faculty of Bioeconomy Development
Field of research: Environmental Economics and Policy, Agricultural Economics and Policy, Social Economics. CRIS
Prof. Dr. Andra Zvirbule, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Field of research: Regional and Rural Business Development, Urban Agriculture, Management Systems. She is a project leader in many International and National projects: Central Baltic Interreg projects; National Research Program Projects and EU founded projects.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gintarė Vaznonienė, Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy
Field of research: subjective/objective wellbeing; green infrastructure / green spaces; short food supply chains; inclusion/integration and participation of social groups; quantitative research methods. CRIS
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lucia Rocci, University of Perugia, Italy
Field of research: Scientific activity focused on environmental evaluation and assessment and on economics and management of natural resources. Member of research groups both at national and international level. ReseachGate
Dr. Anne Põder, Estonian University of Life Sciences, researcher at Institute of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Field of research: Rural entrepreneurship and innovation, changes in agri-food sector and supply chains. ETIS